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CD Revenge of the O.C. Supertones - Supertones
CD Revenge of the O.C. Supertones - Supertones
CD Revenge of the O.C. Supertones - Supertones
De: R$ 22,80
Por: R$ 19,50
4× de R$ 5,25
sem jurosR$ 19,50R$ 19,50
R$ 10,19R$ 20,38
R$ 6,89R$ 20,67
R$ 5,25R$ 21,00
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CD Revenge of the O.C. Supertones - Supertones

01. Wake Me Up On Time
02. Where I Find You
03. We Shall Overcome
04. Transmission
05. Prince of Peace
06. Shepherd is the Lamb
07. Everything's Broken
08. The Kingdom
09. Faith of a Child
10. Cult of Cool
11. I Will Follow
12. Dream of Two Cities